The series "Abyss" is an exploration of the human psyche through abstract panoramas constructed from independent images of various natural elements. Each landscape, while interchangeable, symbolises the unique struggles each of us faces, underscoring the universal nature of our deepest fears.
The abstract panoramas present invented landscapes that evoke a sense of mysticism and unease. They conjure an imaginary realm that is simultaneously oppressive and anxiety-inducing. Viewers are confronted with a blurred boundary between reality and illusion, questioning whether what they see is a dream, a nightmare, or the fleeting moments between wakefulness and slumber. The dynamic movement captured within the images creates a sensation of vertigo, intensifying the feeling of being adrift and disoriented. Could these landscapes represent an afterlife, a transitional state where perceptions dissolve, and identities merge into the unknown?
"Abyss" serves as a visual exploration of anxiety, encapsulating the sensation of feeling lost and entrapped within one's own perception. The series confronts the existential fear of confronting the abyss, metaphorically depicting the daunting journey through inner turmoil and the relentless pursuit of clarity amidst confusion.
Through these mystical and abstract panoramas, the aim is to provoke introspection and contemplation of the human condition. "Abyss" invites viewers to confront their fears, to navigate the complexities of their emotions, and to embrace the enigmatic beauty found within the depths of uncertainty. The series challenges perceptions and urges a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of personal struggles, offering a narrative that resonates with the shared experiences of humanity.